PTA Executive Members 

 Kyle Stewart - President

Keisha Henry - Vice President

Marva Celestine - Secretary

Camille Legall- John - Assistant Secretary

Geanetter Samuel - Treasurer (Ag.)

Keisha Burke- Davidson - Trustee

Thecla Stephen - Ex-officio

PTA president

A parent who is a passionate and strong advocate for the welfare of youths and children both at the primary and secondary levels. In the year 2021, he served as a coordinator at this noble institution but previously held the position of President for the period 2017- 2021 at a local primary school. In his pursuit to make Scarborough Secondary School (SSS) the leading government secondary school on the island, he successfully achieved president status in the following year and with his experience, he currently champions as the leader of the Parent Teachers Association. As a result, the association has, through advocacy, caused the SSS compound to be fenced in a timely manner, has donated tremendously to afford students to graduate in 2023, has fostered a book sale drive, worked closely with the school’s ICT consultant for the launching of the online Portal for Book Report and so much more making a great impact in the educational sector. In addition, Mr. Kyle Stewart, being suitable to teach at the high school level, also tutors privately CSEC Mathematics and Principles of Business online at Kyle Tutoring Service and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Studies (Major) Economics (Minor) upper second-class honors. Mr. Stewart continues to assist in developing a remarkable environment at Scarborough Secondary School by working assiduously with school administration, staff, the parent body, and his team of executive members. His motto is “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13