pathway to form one

SSS Affirmations

Moral Quote:

Do the right thing at all times because it's the right thing to do.

Academic Quote:

My success at this institution begins with me.

Spiritual Quote:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

SSS Chant


School's Prayer

Dear God and Father of mankind, we come with humble hearts to thank Thee for past mercies received and to trust Thee for those that are to come.

Forgive us our misdoings, and when temptations come our way, give us strength to overcome them.

Grant us, we beseech Thee, love for our fellow students and respect for our teachers, our parents, our elders and all those who are responsible for our general well being.

Make us instruments of Thy peace and help us to walk in Thy way and to do Thy will.

Bless us all as students so that we may be receptive to the good that is taught to us and help us to develop those qualities which will make us useful citizens of this nation and worthy recipients of Thy Grace.


First form parents, please note primary to secondary workbook can be bought at Educators bookstore.

UNIFORM-Forms 1-5.docx (2).pdf
BELL SCHEDULE 2022_2023 .docx (3).pdf